Family Camping
From here, we pray that you will be taken to far away places and lands...into the deepest darkest wilderness that one can stand...into the campground land!
"Man Charlie...Dad makes this look sooooo easy!

The Deer were everywhere in our camp!

I sure wish he'd put down that camera and help!
Chuck's third cousin...
 keenly watches the lines!?
Come on guys, it's not that far!

Now, fess up fellers...who really caught ALL those fish?
After 2 days of rain and an evening preparing Easter eggs, poor Charlie is exhausted!
And now for my next act...
Savannah caught us in the act!
All Ben wants to do here, is GO DOWN!
Patience is a virtue not soon learned by youth!

Any bad day of fishing is better than a good day of working.
The Yellow coloring has had a very bad night!
All that work work for this HUGE batch of eggs!
Oh sure, NOW it's sunny that we're going home!